Threads of gold logo

We have a passion to see women given the opportunity to live out their created purpose no matter where she's come from or what her age is.​

We are part of helping women know their Creator through creating.


Threads of Gold exists to aid women and girls who have been exploited or are at risk of exploitation in Thailand by providing skills training and job opportunities.


Our goal is to provide a fair-trade market for products created during the rehabilitation and educational process. We provide materials, purchase finished products, and sell products in the USA. Through creating handmade products the women learn skills as well as experience the beauty of creating and the fulfillment of a job well done. We believe women are meant to understand beauty the way our Creator intended and not the way the world defines it. We shed light on this by weaving threads of gold into these women’s stories and pointing them to the True Light. In this way they have an opportunity to learn who their Creator is and His calling on their lives.



The gospel of Jesus Christ is being implemented into everything we do.


We exist to help women, not to have women help us create a ministry.


Our space and relationships provide safety to all who are a part.


All feel valued through respecting each other.


Progress is our goal, not success. She smiles a bit more. She walks with a bit more energy.