Our Story

Threads of Gold Meaning

Dark-colored fabrics create an incredible backdrop for gold threads to be woven through them. Grace, hope, and love glitter like gold when woven into the fabric of a life that has experienced hardship and trauma. We pray that our women will find threads of gold woven into their stories through the redemptive work Jesus is doing in their lives.

Gold Word Themes

Our signature products are designed with a word label embroidered in gold. We have 9 themes to choose from. 

Grace, love, hope, peace, joy, beauty, restoration, freedom, strength

We recommend you to:

  • Choose a word that speaks to your story.
  • Claim the word that is on your favorite item. 
  • Personalize a gift by choosing the theme you wish to share with your friend.

Our Timeline


During the COVID-19 pandemic doors opened like never before to reach women in the exploitation industry in Thailand largely due to the fact that the country’s borders being closed had nearly eliminated the customer base.

Mid-January found her and her friends who were working in the red-light district facing another shutdown. Local COVID-19 cases were increasing in Thailand meaning entertainment bars like the one where she works every night needed to close until further notice. She became desperate, “Miss! What will I do? I can’t make any money now!” She is scared and alone. She is living from day to day while carrying the weight of debts and trying to support her family in a foreign country. Later that day while praying that the Lord would give us ideas of how to best help situations like hers, I remembered that the team had several sewing machines in storage that were not being used. Not knowing if or how the need and this resource would connect I reached out to my friend who is involved in similar ministry efforts to tell her my thoughts. She responds that she had literally just sent an email to her supporters asking for funds for sewing machines. We agree this is more than just a coincidence so after hearing the same thing from the ministry directors with permission to use the machines the idea starts taking shape. Within two weeks we had a sewing room set up and an opportunity for women to join the class.

She was so excited about this new opportunity. She came that day to the first class along with several other women. As she learned how to use the machine and sewed her first stitches, I saw a different woman than the one who works at night. She was relaxed, peaceful, with an aura of joy and contentment about her as she created with her own hands. We caught a vision of what her story could be. She came back again and again. They came back again and again. They brought their friends. 

And that is how the Threads of Gold journey began.


The vision continues to grow as the women continue to love creating and having this project as part of their healing journey. More products and more machines were added through generous supporters and we began to research the best way forward to continue supporting these kinds of needs long term.


We are excited to launch our website and give you an opportunity to become a part of weaving threads of gold into her story.